IT & Softwareentwickler Stellen in Deutschland

IGE | IPI jobs

IT / ICT Specialist

105.000 - 135.000 EUR
Stauffacherstrasse 59g, Bern
105.000 - 135.000 EUR
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Visa Sponsoring


- You have a degree in scientific/technical, preferably in the specialist fields of computer science or computer technology. - You are a native German or French speaker with a very good command of the other language and English. - You have an independent, reliable and precise method of working. - You are accustomed to prioritising tasks and working on them in parallel.


System Engineer


- Conducting patent and technology searches and patent analyses, and examining patent applications. - Providing oral and written information to our customers, delivering training sessions, and attending conferences in Switzerland and abroad. - Sharing knowledge internally in order to maintain and foster technical and patent knowledge at both team and division level.



The Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI) is the federal government's central point of contact for patents, trade marks, indications of source, design protection and copyright. We help innovators and creators to create value out of their ideas, thus promoting innovation, competitiveness, cultural diversity and social progress. We also offer worldwide patent searches under the label ip-search. Do you want to follow in Einstein's footsteps? Then apply to join the house of inventions! Dive into the world of intellectual property and acquire the skills needed to use professional search engines and databases, and participate in the examination of national patent applications. Your customers will be patent attorneys, industrial enterprises, individual inventors, and educational and research institutions.IT Specialist, Specialist in Information and Communications Technology (ICT)


job benefits iconFlexible Arbeitszeit
job benefits icon5 Wochen Urlaub
job benefits icon42-Stunden Arbeitswoche
job benefits iconIndividuelles Bildungsbudget
job benefits iconMutterschafts- / Vaterschaftsurlaub
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Hier finden Sie Gehaltsstatistiken für IT Spezialist Gehälter in Deutschland.

Wie viele IT Spezialist Stellen sind offen in Deutschland?

Derzeit gibt es 763 IT Jobs.

Ist Deutschland ein guter Ort für IT Spezialisten?

Deutschland ist eines der besten Länder, um als IT Spezialist zu arbeiten. Es gibt eine lebendige Startup-Community, wachsende Technologiezentren und, was am wichtigsten ist: viele interessante Jobs für Leute, die im Technologiebereich arbeiten.

Welche Unternehmen stellen Mitarbeiter für IT Spezialist Stellenangebote in Deutschland ein?

Global ITVM GmbH, NetKnights GmbH, Cinemo GmbH, ponturo consulting AG, aconso AG, DEGEWO AG, BLUEEND AG und andere stellen derzeit für IT Positionen in Deutschland ein.

Das Unternehmen mit den meisten offenen Stellen ist FERCHAU - Connecting People and Technologies das für 38 verschiedene IT Spezialist Stellenangebote in Deutschland einstellt. Sie sind wahrscheinlich sehr bemüht, gute IT Spezialisten zu finden.