IT & Software Developer jobs in Hanover

IT & Software Developer jobs in Hanover
Job titleCompany
Informatiker als Backend DeveloperMERKUR GROUP
IT-Demand Manager:inTÜV NORD Akademie GmbH & Co. KG
Cybersecurity Manager (m/w/d) für die digitale operationale ResilienzMecklenburgische Versicherungs-Gesellschaft a.G.
IT-Leiter*inLandeshauptstadt Hannover
Duales Studium Elektro- und InformationstechnikTÜV NORD Systems GmbH & Co. KG
Senior IT-ManagerAxxum GmbH
Business Architect - Engineering (m/w/d) - HannoverRheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH
IT-Projektmanager:in - HannoverTÜV NORD Akademie GmbH & Co. KG
Inhouse-Applications-Supporter:inTÜV NORD Service GmbH & Co. KG
IT-Spezialist:in für Enterprise-IT-SicherheitssystemeTÜV NORD Service GmbH & Co. KG
Ausbildung Fachinformatiker:in SystemintegrationTÜV NORD Service GmbH & Co. KG
Duales Studium Informatik oder Wirtschaftsinformatik (FHDW) mit Abschluss Bachelor of ScienceTÜV NORD Service GmbH & Co. KG
Programmierer C++/C# (m/w/d)Conmetall Meister GmbH
IT Security Specialist*Harting Technology Group
IT Cloud Engineer AWSHannover Rück SE
You can find Software Developer salaries in Hanover here.

How many Software Developer jobs are in Hanover?

Currently, there are 28 all openings.

Is Hanover a good city for Software Developers?

Even though Hanover is not the main tech hub in Germany. You can still find some interesting Tech jobs here.

Which companies are hiring for Software Developer jobs in Hanover?

MERKUR GROUP, TÜV NORD Akademie GmbH & Co. KG, Mecklenburgische Versicherungs-Gesellschaft a.G., Landeshauptstadt Hannover, TÜV NORD Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Axxum GmbH, Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH among others, are currently hiring for Software roles in Hanover.

The company with most openings is TÜV NORD Service GmbH & Co. KG as they are hiring for 4 different Software Developer jobs in Hanover. They are probably quite committed to find good Software Developers.