Wie würden Sie Ihrem Freund NETCONOMY in 3 Sätzen vorstellen?
Technologien, die wir verwenden
Kann ich die Hardware auswählen? Wie ist Ihr Codierungssetup (IDE, Betriebssystem, Build-Server, Cloud-Anbieter)?
We are providing our employees best-tech hardware, so that they are optimally equipped (headset, keyboard screens etc.). When it comes to laptops, employees have a choice between Mac and Dell.
This is how the coding set-up for our engineers looks like:
Unser Softwareentwicklungsprozess
Wie kann ich mich als Entwickler in Ihrem Unternehmen weiterentwickeln (Karrierewege und Lernmöglichkeiten)?
For us, continuous learning is a top priority - not only within the work context. Take advantage of a wide range of training opportunities; our Learning & Development team is happy to support you in finding the best solution. Want to know more about our approach to performance management and professional growth? Check out our blog post on the topic here. Additionally, we offer clearly defined career paths for various roles across the company. For a specific example, read our blog post on career paths for Software Engineers at NETCONOMY here.
Schreiben Sie lieber immer Ihre eigene Software oder verwenden Sie vorhandene Frameworks, wenn diese passen?
Given our diverse range of clients, the requirements of each project team vary. While we provide a tech stack that is considered best practice, it is ultimately up to each team to decide which technologies are most suitable for their current needs and and uses them accordingly.
Was sind Ihre Werte und wie repräsentieren Sie sie in Ihrer täglichen Arbeit?
Wie vielfältig sind Ihre Teams? Was ist die typische Teamgröße und -struktur?
NETCONOMY employs around 500 people from 34 different nationalities, with women accounting for 30% of the workforce. There are 6 to 8 people working in a typical scrum team, consisting of the following roles: Backend Engineer, Frontend Engineer, Service Delivery & Quality Manager, Product Owner, Scrum Master. Project sizes can vary from small-scale endeavours with a single scrum team, to larger projects where over 40 individuals collaborate across multiple subteams.
Bieten Sie hilfreiche Initiativen für Eltern mit kleinen Kindern an?
NETCONOMY is committed to supporting our employees at all stages of their lives, including parenthood. We understand the importance of work-life balance, which is why we offer flexible schedules that allow our colleagues to plan their time as they see fit, for example a short afternoon per week for spending time with their children, and take time off when they need it - as long as it is coordinated with the team.
Erlauben Sie Remote-Arbeit?
Our flexible work models are designed to give everyone the freedom to find balance according to their unique life situations. Therefore, we provide our employees with the opportunity to choose between a majority-office or majority-home office work model, both offering a high degree of flexibility.
Wenn Sie Agile machen - wie ist Ihr agiler Prozess- und Release-Zyklus? Wie viel Codierung im Vergleich zu Meetings / Planung?
Agility is a core concept that pervades all departments of the company, with most project teams working in two-week sprints through the use of scrum. Even though it's crucial to give engineers sufficient time to concentrate on their work, a handful of scrum meetings are still conducted to keep everyone on the same wavelength. These meetings ensure that the team stays aligned and works towards the same goals.
Haben Sie interne Tech-Workshops oder Hackathons? Gibt es ein Bildungsbudget?
We empower our employees to take ownership of their professional growth by providing top-notch training opportunities. Our Learning & Development team is dedicated to helping employees find the best educational offerings, managing training requests, and facilitating knowledge-sharing across the company. Here’s a glimpse into our diverse training portfolio: we offer coding dojos, Docker & Kubernetes workshops, SEO & UX workshops, AppSec hacking workshops, and a wide range of other cutting-edge courses tailored to meet our engineers' upskilling needs.
Was muss ich tun, um ein 50-Dollar-Lehrbuch auf Unternehmenskosten zu kaufen?
Our Learning & Development team manages a vast knowledge base—a treasure trove of free books and learning resources available to all employees. If someone has their eye on a particular book, they can browse our extensive library first. And if it turns out the book isn’t available, no worries—we’ve got you covered! We’ll happily add it to our growing collection to ensure employees have everything they need to thrive.
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